Spatial distribution modelling of bats habitats in forested area
French National Forest Service - Office for forest and Natural Hazards, Paris.
Year : 2014-2016
Study site : State Forests
Context : Spatial distribution model analyses has been replicated in a second forest site. This study takes part in improving knowledge on forest dwelling bat ecology and forest habitat selection.
Production : Spatial distribution model on 11 bat species and characterisation of favourable forest habitat type.
Improvement of the method for a better application on forest dwelling bats species.
Modelling of species distribution: a tool for habitat evaluation and conservation and ecological connectivity (MocHab Project)
National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea-Grenoble)
Year : 2013-2014
Study sites : Natural Park of Vercors and Chartreuse (mountainous region) and State forest of Tronçais (lowland)
Context : The main objective was to study forest habitat quality by bio-indicator species. Bat species are now all protected in France. To know and localised the species and their habitats can help in decision making for forest management in developing operational tool.
Production : Spatial distribution modelling of favourable habitat for nocturnal activity of 10 bat species. Habitat characterisation and landscape connectivity analysis of Greater Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and Lesser Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) on Natural Park of Vercors.
Feasibility of a forest reserve in Arpille massif and Trient Valley
Forest and Landscape service of Lower Valais (Switzerland)
Year : 2012
Study sites : Arpille massif and Trient Valley (1 856 ha)
Context : Arpille massif and Trient Valley is a famous region for its regional history and natural heritage. The large gradient in elevation offers a high ecological compartment diversity. The site is mainly forested mixed with wetlands in lowland or at higher altitude.
The main objective of the project was to sum up the ecological diversity in term of habitats diversity and fauna and flora famous species. Then the border of the future reserve was suggested to the local stakeholders in trying to include as much as biodiversity as possible according to local social and economical context.
Production : Ecological diversity inventory. Mapping of potential perimeter of future forest reserve in collaboration with local stakeholders and communities.
LE ROUX M., REDON M., VINCENT S., LONG J., ARCHAUX F., LUQUE S. (2017) - Conservation planning with spatially explicit models: A case for horseshoe bats in complex mountain landscapes - Landscape Ecology, (), 1-17
LE ROUX M., REDON M., VINCENT S., TILLON L., BOUIX T., ARCHAUX F., LUQUE S. (2016) - La modélisation spatiale des habitats et des corridors : un outil pour la conservation et la gestion des chauves-souris - Symbioses, 2016, no. 34-35
LE ROUX M., THIERION V., MARECHAL D., SANZ T., ISENMANN M. (2015) - Méthodologies de la modélisation de distribution spatiale appliquée à la cartographie des végétations naturelles ou semi-naturelles - Fiches techniques - CarHab Project - National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea-Grenoble), 19 p
LE ROUX M. (2015) - Modélisation de la répartition des séries et géoséries sur le Massif Central - CarHab Project - National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea-Grenoble), 36 p
LE ROUX M. (2015) - Modélisation de la distribution des espèces de chauves-souris sur les forêts domaniales de Verdun et Morthomme - MLR-environnement, 54 p.
LE ROUX M., LUQUE, S., VINCENT,S., PLANCKAERT O. (2014) - Intégration de la connectivité dans la gestion et la conservation des habitats,[en ligne] - Revue SET, 2014, no. 14, p. 20-25.
LE ROUX M., REDON M. (2013) - Fiches synthétiques – Résultats de la modélisation de distribution des chauves-souris sur les sites sur les parcs naturels régionaux du Vercors et de la Chartreuse et sur la forêt domaniale de Tronçais – National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea), 28 p.
LE ROUX M. (2013) - Fiche méthodologique de la modélisation de distribution des espèces – National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea-Grenoble), 19 p.
LE ROUX M., METRAL R. (2012) - Projet de réserve forestière sur le massif de l’Arpille et Vallée du Trient - Technical report - Forest and Landscape service of Lower Valais. 58 p.
LE ROUX M., BOUSCAILLOU C. (2012) - Étude complémentaire N°4 : Etude des interactions forêt / gibier dans la zone N 2000 du Massif des Voirons dans Site Natura 2000 du massif des Voirons (Site FR8201710). Objectives document (2011) - CERFF association. 429 p.
IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference (2015) - Modelling the distribution and connectivity of bats in lowlands and mountain environments: A spatial operational approach towards forest conservation planning
Tartu (Estonie), August 2015.
15th National meeting on bats of Bourges Museum (SFEPM) - La modélisation spatiale des habitats et des corridors, un outil pour la conservation et la gestion des chauves-souris.
Bourges (Cher), March 2014.
Seminar on "Water and forests Naturality", MocHab project poster.
Chambéry (Savoie), September 2013